Tuesday 8 January 2013


When talking about Futsal, not only guys are into this sports. Women also interested in playing Futsal! Not to mention there are lots of teams formed by the girlsss (I mean…. STRICTLY GIRLS ONLY).. Hehehe..
But me, I takde la sports freak sangat.. In fact, I lah orang yang paling malas bersukan sebab ianya adalah sesuatu yang memenatkan dan hanya akan bersukan bile I rasa I GEMUK!!.. Merely joined just to exercise a bit whenever I feel fat / gained so much weight.. & just to cukupkan korum / memenuhkan masa lapang / have some fun with others.. ;) Huhuhu.. This is BAD, so don't follow my style ya.. Hahaha..

But Futsal is not really dat exhaustive, I mean ya it sounds like I bluff…. Because it consume a lot of energy, but the outcome is really impressive cause it really helps you sweat a lot!! Thus, it helps you burn lots of calories in just 1 hour per session. I'm saying this is because when I compared with jogging (say 5-round per session which is equivalent to 1 hour), tade la berpeluh sangat.. & because jogging adalah suatu senaman yang sentiasa dilakukan bersendirian, lama2 motivasi nak bersenam itu hilang.. Ditambah lagi, bila outcome penurunan kg berlaku secara perlahan.. Huhuhu..

Walaupun sebenarnya mana2 exercise pun memenatkan, tapi carilah senaman yang paling bersesuaian dgn ANDA!! Dengan itu, matlamat KEHIDUPAN SIHAT, BADAN & MINDA SEGAR dan dalam masa yang sama boleh membina jaringan "networking" yang baru dengan berjumpa teman-teman baru.. ;)

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